solidian GRID CARBOrefit
solidian GRID CARBOrefit
Flexibel and light.
Minimal concrete layer.
Strengthening of structures.
CARBOrefit® refers to the method of strengthening the load-bearing structure of reinforced concrete components with the high-performance material carbon concrete.
CARBOrefit® stands for a sustainable and resource-saving strengthening solution that simultaneously secures the existing structure and increases its load-bearing capacity and durability. CARBOrefit® can be used efficiently, economically and in a variety of ways. The German technical approval / general construction technique permit Z-31.10-182 provides planners a solution that makes a special contribution to resource-saving design in the construction industry.
The CARBOrefit®-method counters the throwaway mentality in the construction industry, as preserving, further developing, converting and reutilising the existing building stock is seen as a key lever for climate-friendly construction. CARBOrefit® was honoured with the DNGB* Audience Award 2023 as part of the sustainable change “Preservation instead of demolition”.
* Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen - DGNB e.V. (German Sustainable Building Council)